Focusing on the Present;

Winning in the Future;

Setting Sail

—ADVANCE.AI's Customer Appreciation Banquet, Shanghai

Date: 25 September 2020

Location: Shanghai, China


Following the banquet in Beijing, the 2020 "Focusing on the Present; Winning in the Future; Setting Sail" Customer Appreciation Banquet was held in Shanghai on 25 September. ADVANCE.AI invited business partners to share and analyse the latest industry data.


Here are some of the event’s highlights:

Discussion of the latest industry trends

ADVANCE.AI co-founder and CEO, Dong Shou, delivered his introductory speech through video call, warmly welcoming and thanking all of the event’s attendees and participants.

ADVANCE.AI’s Head of Local Commercialization in India, Darshan Shah, proceeded to give an update on the latest industry developments in India and shared the most recent developments on the industry through the latest data through a video call.


The latest industry data and strategies sharing

ADVANCE.AI’s Director of Overseas Fintech Business, Qi Cui, led a review of fintech industry data, including a data analysis of the latest industry trends, and shared some important statistics. He then introduced ADVANCE.AI’s three core products: ADVANCE Fraud Faces, ADVANCE Fraud Score and ADVANCE Bank Statement.


Business partner sharing: Looking forward to the future and winning together

Senior Vice President of Waterelephant, Wenjie Ludiscussed the development of cash loans in China and then took attendees on a virtual tour into the India market to understand the current situation and opportunities within the industry from economic and cultural perspectives.

Director of Huawei Cloud Indonesia, Lin Wang, then introduced the progress of Huawei Cloud and shared the advantages of working together with ADVANCE.AI to expand the industry.

Wenjie Lu and Lin Wang both expressed great support and recognition of ADVANCE.AI.



Time Session Content

5:30 PM-6:30 PM

Admission of guests

6:30 PM-6:35 PM

Opening Speech

Dong Shou, Co-founder of ADVANCE.AI

6:35 PM-7:05 PM


" Cutting-edge Indian Industry Information "

Darshan Shah, India Managing Director

7:05 PM-7:25 PM


" Braving the Winds and Waves: The Latest Industry Data and Strategies Sharing"

Qi Cui, Director of China Fintech Business of ADVANCE.AI

7:25 PM-7:40 PM

Client Sharing

Wenjie Lu, Senior Vice President of Waterelephant

7:40 PM-7:55 PM

Client Sharing

Lin Wang, Director of Huawei Cloud Indonesia

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